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Many graduates are still struggling to pay off their student loans. They are also trying to start a family and save for a house. The typical repayment period for federal loans is around ten years, though various options are available. If you’re worried that you might be unable to pay off your loans, try these strategies.


Make More Payments

If you can afford to make larger payments, you can lower the principal balance and reduce the total payoff period. Doing so will allow you to minimize the loan’s duration and interest payments.


A $25,000 student loan with a 10-year repayment period and 6.8 percent interest costs about $288 a month. With a $400 monthly payment, the student can pay off the loan in seven years.


You can use various strategies to choose which loans to pay off in advance. Choosing the one with the best interest rate can save you the most money.


Turn On Automatic Payments

If you have a surplus at the end of the current month, it’s tempting to use it to pay off your student loans. However, if you have a tight budget, this could slow down your payment process.


Before you start making payments, you must clearly understand how much you can afford to spend on student loans.


Start making payments early in the month to avoid accidentally spending the money. Set a specific amount you can afford to pay and ensure you don’t spread your budget too thinly.


Create a Budget

A clear understanding of your cash flow can help you allocate the funds you can use to pay off your loans.


You should assess your spending habits and determine how difficult it would be to maintain a budget. A student budget calculator can assist you in staying on track.


Look at Refinancing Options

If you’re considering a student loan refinance, you might be able to lower the interest rate and shorten the repayment period.


If you’re planning on getting a student loan refinance after graduating, make sure that you have a solid credit history and a co-signer who can also support you. However, it might take some time to qualify for a loan. Most lenders require stable employment or income to be considered for a loan refinance.


If you consolidate federal student loans, you’ll lose some of the benefits of having a federal student loan.


Before you start considering a loan refinance, make sure that you thoroughly research the different options available to you.


Although student loan debt can be a significant financial burden, there are ways that you can reduce the amount of money that you spend on these loans.